Saturday, January 11, 2003

This is an experiment in thinking out loud. My name is Joshua Corey and I'm a 32 year-old poet and graduate student whose first book, Selah, will be published by Barrow Street Press this fall ( I've also had poems published or forthcoming in a number of trendy journals, Boston Review, Fence, VOLT, LIT, New American Writing, etc., and at least one no-longer-trendy-but-indisputably-well-endowed-one, Poetry (Chicago). And as an academic in training I'm writing papers, some of which will undoubtedly eventually be published as articles, and doing preliminary work on a dissertation which for career purposes I will try to turn into a book. Despite all this, I've never really "gone public" as a writer or a thinker. I've done very few readings, though this will obviously change when my book comes out, and I've written no reviews. There's something strangely anonymous about publishing poetry and academic work, whereas publishing reviews or essays, or making public apperances, seems to require that some kind of personality for others to interpret be put forth. This blog may be a convenient and safe-feeling way (though how safe it is in reality remains to be seen) for me to cultivate that personality--a shield or banner upon which to scrawl opinions, criticisms, drafts, jokes.

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